Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 6

0 0 1 363 2071 St George's Independent School 17 4 2543 12.0

Well, right now I am sitting in the courtyard of the school. Its around 3:45 on Friday. We just walked back from our houses, since we had an extra hour of rest today since we worked so hard this morning. This morning at 8 after a delicious breakfast of toast and a warm milk drink with Ashton and my family we met up at the school like usual for morning work. We stretched and split up into groups. I was a part of the sloping group, which created a slope for the outdoor dining area we are constructing. The work was strenuous, but we felt accomplished. We then started working on the second wall for a mural. Ashton and I planned a design for Peru meets St. George’s, which is coming along well. Lunch back at home consisted of rice, potatoes, carrots, peas, broth, and a chicken leg.

Ashton and I took a warm bucket bath in the latrine today after lunch. Even though the wind was fierce and cold, it was the first time we had a shower since Sunday and the first time we had washed out hair since Tuesday. At this point, anything to get us clean was amazing.

Our family is very nice to us, and the house is located only 3 minutes from the school. We walk along the railroad tracks to get to each day. My little brothers, Abel and Grec, love us dearly, and my mom is very protective over us. One night we left for ten minutes to go next door and she came to look for us.

I am very excited for our hike tomorrow, and I hope all is well back in the U.S. Miss ya’ll!!


Today was a very exhausting day, but it was great because we got a lot of work done. For three straight hours Thomas and I hauled dirt that was used for the foundation outside of the school. The wheelbarrow we used was in awful shape with a flat tire, so the already tiresome work was even harder. After we finished my back including Thomas’ felt like a wooden board. It feels better now and the trip has been a great experience. The culture is completely different. For example, yesterday Davis told our mom that he was not hungry and did not eat. About ten minutes later we were up in our room and she brought him a bowl of noodles to eat, because she thought that he did not like what she was serving. It was unbelievable. We are staying in a valley right now that is surrounded by mountains and is one of the most terrific sights I have ever seen. Today the clouds are hovering on the mountain tops to make it look even more incredible. We are having a great time and hope to see everyone back in the US soon.


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